• Homebuilder Software

Traffic & Demographics

Easily Capture and Analyze Traffic at your Model Homes

  • Raw Traffic data is automatically captured when a sales person uses PSClient to register new prospects


    1. Traffic reporting for one subdivision or ALL. Date ranges allow you to review traffic each day, week or across several months
    2. First time visits and repeat visits are reported separately
    3. Track Realtor visits and market directly to your top visiting Realtors



    Which Advertising Method Generates Traffic?

    1. Run the traffic report for a single Subdivision
    2. Show First time Visits Only

    Compare your actual traffic results to the date you launched your advertising campaign. Did you see a spike in traffic



    Understand Your Customer's Demographic

    1. Run demographic reports for specific time periods and subdivisions
    2. Understand the source of your traffic and the customer's buying interest

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